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Texture built-in functions


fn textureDimensions(t: T, [level: L]) -> vecN<u32>

Returns the dimensions of a texture, or texture’s mip level in texels.

fn textureNumLayers(t: T) -> u32

Returns the number of layers (elements) of an array texture.

fn textureNumLevels(t: T) -> u32

Returns the number of mip levels of a texture.

fn textureNumSamples(t: T) -> u32

Returns the number samples per texel in a multisampled texture.


fn textureLoad(t: T, coords: vecN<C>, [sample_index: S], [array_index: A], [level: L]) -> vec4<f32>

Reads a single texel from a texture without sampling or filtering.

fn textureGather(c: C, t: T, s: sampler, coords: vecN<f32>, [array_index: A], [offset: vec2<i32>]) -> vec4<ST>

From the four texels that would be used in a sampling operation with linear filtering, returns a vector with each component set to the value of component c of each texel.

fn textureGatherCompare(t: TD, s: sampler_comparison, coords: vecN<f32>, [array_index: A], depth_ref: f32, [offset: vec2<i32>]) -> vec4<f32>

Using the four texels that would be used in a sampling operation with linear filtering, performs a depth comparison in a depth texture and collects the results into a single vector.


fn textureSample(t: T, s: sampler, coords: vecN<f32>, [array_index: A], [offset: vec2<i32>]) -> vec4<f32>

Samples a texture. Must only be used in a fragment shader stage. Must only be invoked in uniform control flow.

fn textureSampleBias(t: T, s: sampler, coords: vecN<f32>, [array_index: A], bias: f32, [offset: vec2<i32>]) -> vec4<f32>

Samples a texture with a bias to the mip level. Must only be used in a fragment shader stage. Must only be invoked in uniform control flow.

fn textureSampleCompare(t: TD, s: sampler_comparison, coords: vecN<f32>, [array_index: A], depth_ref: f32, [offset: vec2<i32>]) -> f32

Samples a depth texture and compares the sampled depth values against a reference value. Must only be used in a fragment shader stage. Must only be invoked in uniform control flow.

fn textureSampleCompareLevel(t: TD, s: sampler_comparison, coords: vecN<f32>, [array_index: A], depth_ref: f32, [offset: vec2<i32>]) -> f32

Samples a depth texture and compares the sampled depth values against a reference value. Same as textureSampleCompare except it always samples texels from mip level 0.

fn textureSampleGrad(t: T, s: sampler, coords: vecN<f32>, [array_index: A], ddx: vec2<f32>, ddy: vec2<f32>, [offset: vec2<i32>]) -> vec4<f32>

Samples a texture using explicit gradients.

fn textureSampleLevel(t: T, s: sampler, coords: vecN<f32>, [array_index: A], level: f32, [offset: vec2<i32>]) -> vec4<f32>

Samples a texture using an explicit mip level.

fn textureSampleBaseClampToEdge(t: T, s: sampler, coords: vec2<f32>) -> vec4<f32>

Samples a texture view at its base level, with texture coordinates clamped to the edge.


fn textureStore(t: texture_storage_2d_array<F,write>, coords: vec2<C>, [array_index: A], value: vec4<CF>)

Writes a single texel to a texture.