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Data packing & unpacking built-in functions

Data Packing

fn pack4x8snorm(e: vec4<f32>) -> u32

Converts four normalized floating point values to 8-bit signed integers, and then combines them into one u32 value. Component e[i] of the input is converted to an 8-bit twos complement integer value ⌊ 0.5 + 127 × min(1, max(-1, e[i])) ⌋ which is then placed in bits 8 × i through 8 × i + 7 of the result.

fn pack4x8unorm(e: vec4<f32>) -> u32

Converts four normalized floating point values to 8-bit unsigned integers, and then combines them into one u32 value. Component e[i] of the input is converted to an 8-bit unsigned integer value ⌊ 0.5 + 255 × min(1, max(0, e[i])) ⌋ which is then placed in bits 8 × i through 8 × i + 7 of the result.

fn pack2x16snorm(e: vec2<f32>) -> u32

Converts two normalized floating point values to 16-bit signed integers, and then combines them into one u32 value. Component e[i] of the input is converted to a 16-bit twos complement integer value ⌊ 0.5 + 32767 × min(1, max(-1, e[i])) ⌋ which is then placed in bits 16 × i through 16 × i + 15 of the result.

fn pack2x16unorm(e: vec2<f32>) -> u32

Converts two normalized floating point values to 16-bit unsigned integers, and then combines them into one u32 value. Component e[i] of the input is converted to a 16-bit unsigned integer value ⌊ 0.5 + 65535 × min(1, max(0, e[i])) ⌋ which is then placed in bits 16 × i through 16 × i + 15 of the result.

fn pack2x16float(e: vec2<f32>) -> u32

Converts two floating point values to half-precision floating point numbers, and then combines them into one u32 value. Component e[i] of the input is converted to an IEEE-754 binary16 value, which is then placed in bits 16 × i through 16 × i + 15 of the result.

Data Unpacking

fn unpack4x8snorm(e: u32) -> vec4<f32>

Decomposes a 32-bit value into four 8-bit chunks, then reinterprets each chunk as a signed normalized floating point value. Component i of the result is max(v ÷ 127, -1), where v is the interpretation of bits 8×i through 8×i + 7 of e as a twos-complement signed integer.

fn unpack4x8unorm(e: u32) -> vec4<f32>

Decomposes a 32-bit value into four 8-bit chunks, then reinterprets each chunk as an unsigned normalized floating point value. Component i of the result is v ÷ 255, where v is the interpretation of bits 8×i through 8×i + 7 of e as an unsigned integer.

fn unpack2x16snorm(e: u32) -> vec2<f32>

Decomposes a 32-bit value into two 16-bit chunks, then reinterprets each chunk as a signed normalized floating point value. Component i of the result is max(v ÷ 32767, -1), where v is the interpretation of bits 16×i through 16×i + 15 of e as a twos-complement signed integer.

fn unpack2x16unorm(e: u32) -> vec2<f32>

Decomposes a 32-bit value into two 16-bit chunks, then reinterprets each chunk as an unsigned normalized floating point value. Component i of the result is v ÷ 65535, where v is the interpretation of bits 16×i through 16×i + 15 of e as an unsigned integer.

fn unpack2x16float(e: u32) -> vec2<f32>

Decomposes a 32-bit value into two 16-bit chunks, and reinterpets each chunk as a floating point value. Component i of the result is the f32 representation of v, where v is the interpretation of bits 16×i through 16×i + 15 of e as an IEEE-754 binary16 value.